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Child's Art Apron From Dishtowel

By 19:42 , , ,

Make an ''artist's apron'' using a dollar store dishtowel.

Supplies: 1 dish towel and 1 box of crayons

Step 1:  Cut in this order:  First cut 2'' off each long side of your dish towel. These will be the ties. Next cut 2'' off one short side of your dish towel. This will be the neck strap.

Step 2:  Hem the cut side of each 2'' strip, turning twice for a nice finished edge.

Step 3:  Determine the length you want for your apron, then ADD 3''. This is the length you want to cut your towel. Cut from the same edge you cut the neck strap, so you will have on hemmed edge on your towel. Then cut out arm holes as shown.

Step 4:  Hem all unfinished sides. Important: You need to turn the three raw sides to the opposite side the existing hem is on. That way when you turn your pocket up, the ''front'' of the hem will be on the from of the apron. I did the two sides first, then turned down the top edge with a larger hem.

Step 5:  Fold your pocket. I folded mine up 2''. Then you will mark every 1'' to create your crayon pockets. This was super easy for me, because the towel I chose happened to have 1'' stripes.

Step 6:  Attach the straps.

Step 7:  Fill it up with crayons, tie it on your little one, and let the art begin.


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