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Box Pleated Skirt Tutorial

By 15:00 , , ,

Here's a tutorial by Merrick on how to make a beautiful and sexy box pleated skirt that will impress all fashionistas out there ....

  • 2 yards (more or less depending on your size) fabric - Merrick used this heavy weight cotton from IKEA which is stiffer than anything she normally sew with, but it works for this skir.
  • matching thread
  • zipper (she used invisible)
  • clasp closure

  1. Measure from your waist to your knee-cap and cut your fabric accordingly. Now it should be 2 yards wide and (your measurement) tall.
  2. Pin 3'' wide box pleats across the entire 2 yards and then use a basting stitch to hold it in place (after Merrick pleated the whole thing she measured it around her waist and ended up cutting off a few pleats. You many need to adjust the width of your pleats a little so the two ends connect perfectly at the zipper).
  3. With right sides together (R.S.T.), sew up the skirt, inserting a zipper at the top of the seam, as shown. Zigzag or serge the raw edge.
  4. Measure your natural waist and then cut a 3'' tall strip of fabric in that length, adding one inch for your seam allowance. Fold in the short ends and hem, as shown. Then fold the whole strip in half, length-wise, as shown.
  5. With right sides together, pin the waistband to the skirt, making sure to line up the open end of the waistband with the zippered side of the skirt. Attach the waistband with a straight stitch, making sure to sew slightly below your basting stitch to cover it up. Zigzag or serge the raw edge, and press the waistband up and flat. Add a clasp closure to the waistband so the open ends overlap and close on your waist.
  6. Hem you skirt to your desired length, and you're done.

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