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Little Devil Halloween Costume

By 16:00 , , ,

Your little devil will be ready for trick-or-treating in no time with this easy, no-sew Halloween costume.

You need
  • Red sweatshirt
  • Fabric glue
  • 1/2 yard red ribbon
  • Large safety pin
  • Red marabou boa
  • 1 yard red felt
  • Straighten metal hanger
  • Red rubber glove
  • Cotton balls
  • Red headband
  • Red glitter
  • Red paint
  • Wooden dowel

Start with the sweatshirt and cut off the sleeves 3 inches from neck; glue raw edges under. Cut a 4-inch slit down the back, starting at the center of the neck. Attach ribbon to a safety pin and thread it through neck casing (you'll use the ends to tie a bow). Glue marabou to the neck and trim excess.


Cut two triangles from left, about 3 inches high and 3 inches wide at the base. Then cut a strip of felt about 4 inches wide to desired length. Fold strip in half lengthwise and glue edges; let dry, then turn inside out. Push straightened metal hanger through the tail and glue the triangles together over the tip. Glue the other end to the back of the sweatshirt. Wrap a small piece of marabou around base.


Cut two fingers off rubber glove and stuff with cotton balls. Coat with glue and cover with red glitter. Glue the headband. Pitchfork: Cut two pieces of red felt into a pitchfork shape. Glue edges together leaving a small opening at the bottom center, once dry, stuff with cotton balls and dust with red glitter. Paint a wooden dowel red. Once dry, place fork on the stick and glue together.


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