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Cupcake Flower Lights

By 09:00 , , , , ,

These lights were inspired by all the beautiful blooms I've been seeing around town. I wanted to bring the summer indoors, but they could make for some colorful outdoor lighting too.

Making these floral garlands couldn't be faster - all you need are cupcake papers (large and small), string lights, scissors, and an exacto knife ....

Step 1: To make leaves - fold small cupcake paper in half 2 times, and with the folded point at the bottom cut a leaf shape.

Step 2: To make an 8-petal flower - fold a small cupcake paper in half 3 times, and with the folded point at the bottom cut around the top.

Step 3: To make a 16-petal flower - fold a large cupcake paper in half 4 times, and with the folded point at the bottom cut around the top.

Step 4: Cut a small X in the center of each paper.

Step 5: Layer cupcake papers onto each lightbulb to make flowers.

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