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Get Rid Of Varicose Veins Naturally

By 13:00 ,

Venous disease may have multiple contribution factors. From body postures to emotions, many things affect your circulation. But all the factors can be divided into two steps. Follow those two steps and you will not only rid of varicose veins, but also get healthy looking legs for the rest of your life ....

Step 1: Reduce the pressure on your veins

Your veins, especially those in your legs, have to pump the blood ''up hill'' to the heart, against gravity. If you are prone to varicose veins, this extra work on your lower body can cause your veins to enlarge.

Fortunate, simple lifestyle changes can greatly reduce the pressure your veins have to endure. Talk with your doctor see which of the options of STEP 1 are best for you.

  • Exercise correctly
Some sports are not recommended due to their impact on the legs. Short impacts can block the blood flow and amplify the pressure on your veins.

Recommended:  Swimming, fast-paced walking, biking, tai chi, yoga and stretching
Not Recommended:  Skiing and water skiing, squash, tennis, football, weightlifting, boxing, karate, judo, taekwondo, stairmaster, running

If for any reason you want to continue practicing the sports that are not recommended, make sure to wear compression stocking and reinforce your veins with the right supplements.

Breathing is also very important to prevent varicose veins during a workout. If you block your breathing when applying force during an exercise, you are causing intense pressure on your venous system. Remember to always breathe out when exerting effort. Never hold your breathe.

  • Wear the right pair of shoes
Look for shoes that have low heals. Wearing low-heeled shoes actually helps tone your calf muscles, promoting better circulation in your legs.

Now that we are talking about clothes, don't wear any underwear or pants that are tight at the waist or in the groin. This acts as tourniquet that restricts blood flow and can increase your risk of developing varicose veins.

  • Maintaining healthy body weight
By keeping body wight down to manageable levels and maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise program, you will be able to keep the pressure on your veins to a minimum.

  • Drink enough water throughout the day
Drinking water helps to soften the stools, When you pass stools more easily, you put less strain on the leg veins which will also help prevent hemorrhoids. Additionally, drinking water is a great way to lose weight and shed those extra pounds.

  • Wear compression stockings
Not a new solution, but still one of the best. They definitively help to get rid of varicose veins.

  • Elevate the foot of your bed
When you are lying at night, an easy way to reduce the pressure on your legs is to elevate them above your heart. A simple way to do that is to add a couple of phone books one under each side of your bed.

Step 2: Reinforce the walls of your veins

The latest studies point to the fact that alterations in the vein wall precede any other change during varicose vein formation. Your goal then is to find which options you can use to increase your venous tone. Because of genetic factors predisposing you of varicose veins, you many need to take a few extr 'reinforcers' compare to the average individual.

  • Avoid the heat, seek the gold
Take cold showers. This is one of the best natural remedies for varicose veins you can use because cold causes constriction of the superficial veins, by direct stimulation of the smooth muscle lining the vessels. It is generally an easy treatment to do within your own home.

If you are not used to taking cold showers, start slowly. Try lowering the temperature gradually each time.

  • Take natural supplements
Some specific herbs and fruit extracts have been proven to safely treat and prevent varicose veins; such as ....

Pine Bark contains high levelvs of special bioflavonoids called )PCs (oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes).

OPCs are antioxidant chemicals that appear to have the ability to improve collagen, reduce capillary leakage, and aids in controlling inflammation.

Diosmin Circulation Essentials formula includes an important substance called Diosmin. This unique bioflavonoid is derived from the rind of several citrus fruits and has been clinically shown to be a highly effective way to improve circulation and strengthen the veins in the legs.

It is the most effective ingredient to treat varicose veins, and best of all, it now available to you in a simple supplement.

Grape seeds are high in flavonoids which are powerful antioxidants that enhance capillary and vain function. Extracts of grape seed can definitively relieve the pain and the swelling of venous insufficiency and varicose veins.


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